Learn Romanian with Inventions

18 Jan 2018
eLearn Ro Academy Team

Adding knowledge of a foreign language “feather” in your hat is always a big plus. This is especially important in these times of global connectivity and the need to interact with people from other parts of the world. There has never been a better time to take Romanian online courses! “How so?” you might ask. Well, if you haven’t been living in a cave somewhere with zero internet connection you will probably know Romania has one of the best automotive industries. Coupled with a thriving culture of good people keen on integrating technological advancements in the car-making business, this is the place to be for engineering and IT students or even business students interested in the automotive industry.

Romania has a streak of innovations in the industry. Case in point the aerodynamic car invented by a Romanian Aurel Persu in 1923 or the 2014 invention of a cheap self driving car by Ionut Budisteanu. As an investor in the industry or an automotive engineer, I am sure you are well aware of the importance of being in such an environment. So, could the inability to speak Romanian be the hindrance that is blocking you from tapping your full potential? Worry no more!

Why learn Romanian?

  • Easy interaction with fellow studentsAs a student, you very well know the importance of interacting with fellow students. You get to know about important student stuff like lesson time changes, assignments, and group-work activities and of course a healthy social life. This can be possible only if you are able to speak the language of the local students. Therefore, as an engineering or IT student planning on studying in a Romania University it is only prudent you learn to speak Romanian.
  • Make lucrative deals –Being an investor calls for timely decisions coupled with negotiation skills. To win the jackpot, you will need to employ tactics here and there. Having the ability to speak Romanian fluently will serve to impress potential Romanian clients and you will clinch deals with so much ease. As a busy businessperson time is of great value and the opportunity to take Romanian online courses is the deal you need before you make that maiden trip to Romania or Moldova.
  • Get and retain the best talents – Geographical barriers being a non-issue in our times, sourcing talents from across the globe is a strategy any employer with a global perspective needs to apply. If you have hired Romanian automotive engineers or IT specialists in the automotive industry and you are wondering how to learn Romanian so as to communicate better with these technocrats, we at the eLearn Ro Academy, are here for you.


In conclusion, for the above reasons and more, it is a good investment to learn Romanian. Learning how to speak Romanian has been made easier, and to make things better you can learn Romanian online through easy and well thought-out Romanian online courses at the comfort of your desk. You may learn this beautiful language whenever and wherever you are.


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